EMDR therapy
Creating harmony between your head and your heart
You know that something isn’t right, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. You feel “on edge” all the time, you have a hard time connecting with the people you love the most, and you just feel like there’s a low-level hum of anxiety running in your body. Trauma isn't just a memory; it's a physical and emotional imprint that can affect our entire being, manifesting as tension, pain, and disconnection.
You may be able to identify when these feelings started – maybe after a major life event like giving birth or a difficult loss. Or, you may feel like these feelings have always been around, almost like you came out of the womb feeling like the world was just too much. Either way, you don’t have to live with this tension and distress anymore. We can release that felt sense of danger from your body, so you have the space and capacity to engage with the world in a safe and secure way.

The short of it is this:
We want there to be a connection between what you know cognitively and what you know in your bones.
What Makes EMDR Different
Get Out of Your Head
Maybe you’ve tried traditional talk therapy and felt like while you gained more insight into what is going on, your body has not yet gotten the message. We’ll spend time releasing the trauma locked into your nervous system rather than re-telling the story of what happened over and over again. Unlike traditional talk therapy, EMDR engages bilateral stimulation (left and right movement, like eye movements, tapping, or audio tones) to facilitate the brain's natural ability to heal from emotional wounds.
Shed Negative Beliefs
Sometimes trauma stems from an incident that we can pinpoint, and sometimes it’s linked to negative beliefs that we hold about ourselves. EMDR can help shift patterns of thinking and feeling so that you not only can identify positive beliefs about yourself, but you actually feel them to be true. Imagine shifting from believing “I’m not enough” to believing “I am worthy of love.” How amazing would that feel?
Imagine New Possibilities
EMDR is a phenomenal tool because it also allows us to imagine future distress and reduce it, without it even happening yet! We can target upcoming presentations at work, games to enhance performance for athletes, or role changes like becoming a parent or beginning to take care of your aging parents. Once we clear out old memories and negative beliefs, the possibilities are endless to help you build the life you want.